Map of the Copper Canyon area, which actually comprises 6 canyons, and is 4 times the size of the Grand Canyon. We started in
El Fuerte, a small Mexican town, and made overnight stops in Posada Barrancas, Creel, Batopilas, Chihuahua City and El Paso,
Texas. We travelled by train (in red) and by van (in blue).

El Fuerte - In the morning we board the first-class Copper Canyon train and traveled up into the Sierra Madre Mountains,
passing through 86 tunnels and crossing 37 bridges in its 650km journey from Los Mochis in the south to Chihuahua in the
north. This is one of the most spectacular train rides in the Western Hemisphere.

El Fuerte - Elevation Map of Our Route. We start at just above sea level and climb to 7200 feet near Divisadero. Then, from
Creel, we gradually descend to Chihuahua by van.

View from the Train

Here, the train is entering one of the tunnels.

Each tunnel is numbered, starting with 86 in the south. The length of the tunnel is also shown.

Here, the train is passing over one of the bridges.

This is the loop at Temeris. The train doubles back on itself twice here, to climb up 2 levels in a short distance. The train
route began construction in the 1890s, but was stopped in 1910 due to the Mexican Revolution. It was restarted in 1941 and
completed at this site in 1961, when the south section was joined to the north section. There is a commemoration made out
of train rails here indicating its history.
The train stopped briefly at Cerocahui, where handmade baskets were sold by the Tarahumara.

Posada Barrancas - Evening Hike - Urique Canyon is one of the six canyons that make up the global area called Copper Canyon.

Posada Barrancas - On one of the cliffs jutting out in Urique Canyon, we spotted a dwelling bathed in the evening sunlight.

Posada Barancas - Tarahumara Home at Base of Cliff

Posada Barrancas - Tarahumara Home

Posada Barrancas - Tarahumara Home

Posada Barrancas - Tarahumara Home
Posada Barancas - Young Tarahumara visits our room

Posada Barrancas - Two of the Tarahumara demonstrated one of their famous races for us. Due to the difficult terrain in
which the Tarahumara live, they have become great long distance runners. When a small group of them participated for the
first time in a U.S. 100 mile race, they came in 1st, 2nd, and 4th, despite the fact they were using sandals made out of
tire treads as footwear.
See a video of a race

Posada Barancas - Tarahumara Basket Weaver

Posada Barrancas - Tarahumara Basket Weaver

Posada Barrancas - Morning Hike
