South Gate Entrance
The Emperor's Palace
The South Gate from the other side
Massive doors at entrance - The raised red section is to keep out evil spirits. It is bad luck to step on it.
Carved stone on walkway.
Incense Burner
Emperor's Throne
Vat to store water to put out fires
Pagoda built by Kubla Khan
9 griffins on the roofs of buildings are for good luck
Dragon on the roof of the building - keeps away evil spirits
Large Stone Carving - The largest in the palace - 16.75 meters long, 3.07 meters wide, and 1.7 meters thick, weighing over 200 tons. It was quarried and carved in the early Ming Dynasty and transported to the palace in the winter by sprinkling water on the road to create ice. The whole process took 3 months and one of our group commented that it would take that long to get a permit at home.
The Emperor's Residence
The Imperial Garden
The Imperial Garden
The Imperial Garden
The Imperial Garden - This hill was created for the concubines to climb since it was considered good luck to climb a hill at least once per year, and the concubines could not leave the area to climb a hill elsewhere.
The north entrance at twilight.
The north entrance at twilight.